Chronic COVID
Treatment Center™
Research, Prediction, Diagnosis and Treatment for Chronic COVID-19
Thank you for your interest in IncellDx diagnostics. Currently we are working in Australia with local medical and government agencies to secure local sample sites to process testing. Unfortunately, we are unable to conduct these until the infrastructure is set up locally by these groups. As we continue to work toward a solution, we invite you to complete the survey registration here so you are added to all future communication updates for Australia.
Best Regards,
Customer Service Team ~ Australia
IncellDx, Inc.
30920 Huntwood Ave
Hayward, CA 94544
E Mail:
Office: 650 777 7630
Fax: 650 587 1528
Chronic COVID is increasingly recognized as a public health crisis…
Long or chronic COVID is characterized by persistent after effects of COVID-19 infection that include fatigue, brain fog and shortness of breath, in addition to many other symptoms. It’s estimated to affect as many as 30 percent of the millions who have suffered a COVID infection, even when the infection was considered to be mild.
New research conducted by renowned pathologist Dr. Bruce Patterson and his team is helping to uncover the underlying immunologic causes of Chronic COVID. This new research will provide critical insight into how to predict, identify and treat patients who are affected by it.
Based on Dr. Patterson’s research and under his guidance, a novel integrated Chronic COVID Diagnosis and Treatment Center™ was developed in partnership with prominent research facilities, clinicians, and medical laboratories.
Together, we are integrating world-class immunological lab testing, expert medical consultation and patient counseling with the aim of predicting, diagnosing and optimizing treatment for patients experiencing persistent symptoms following infection with COVID-19.